Programs and Activities



Parents, Educators, and Kids = Success

The PEAKS program is an inclusive gifted and talented curriculum focused at the needs of advanced learners. This program offers an option for academically talented students who prefer an alternative to the traditional learning environment. The purpose of the PEAKS program is to serve the needs of advanced learners and their families by providing the best possible learning environment.

Hallmarks of PEAKS instruction includes student directed learning with an emphasis on critical knowledge, analysis, and application of comprehension. The program underscores the collaborative effort between the teachers, parents, and students. The teachers serve as a facilitator while the students assume ownership of their learning.

This progressive approach to advanced learning allows students to complete their core academics while doing long-term individualized research projects. It also maintains flexible group work, an integrated, thematic approach, and an emphasis on real life application. Furthermore, students are encouraged to learn with hands-on activities, and experience their learning through field trips such as: Chicago museums, Sutton's Bay Learning Ship, NASA, Holocaust Museum, etc.

If you have any questions regarding the program, please contact the Kentwood Gifted and Talented Secondary Coordinator Melissa Truskowski (


Multilingual Learners 

Crestwood Middle School provides a very structured Multilingual Learner (ML) program for students who are at all levels of English language proficiency. Students receive sheltered instruction whether they are in a self-contained ML classroom or mainstreamed with general education teachers. ML paraprofessionals provide continuous support to students throughout the school day. The Sheltered Instructional Observation Protocol (SIOP) model is followed, which is a research-based sheltered instruction that makes grade-level content comprehensible for English Language Learners while they are developing their English proficiency. Teachers scaffold instruction to aid student's comprehension of content topics and language through differentiated instruction. They also provide appropriate background information and experiences while also fostering students' ability to communicate in English within the content area.

A.R.C.H. (After School Program)

Academic Enrichment, Recreation and the Arts, Community, Healthy Relationships

Kentwood Public Schools and the Kentwood Parks and Recreation Department have collaborated to offer the A.R.C.H. after school program. This is a FREE program made possible through a grant from 21st Century Community Learning Center and sponsored by the Michigan Department of Education.

The A.R.C.H. Program focuses strongly on academics, but also includes enrichment in health & wellness, recreation & arts, and community awareness and support.

The Program runs Monday - Thursday from the time school dismisses until 6pm.

A light dinner and transportation* are provided at no charge. (*A.R.C.H. Bus transportation is only available for students that already ride a bus to/from Crestwood and live within Crestwood's residential boundary area.)

Please note: this is not a 'Drop-in' program - students must be registered and attend at least 2 days per week.

If you are interested in registering your student or have further questions about the program, please contact the Site Coordinator ~ Christin Gilbert (616) 258-0072 or email to


Kent School Services Network is an exciting initiative that involves many partners but one single goal; to ensure all children are healthy and learning. The partners do this by bringing health and human services right into the school building to help students and families. This provides a one stop location for families, making the services easy to use. While services vary from school to school, depending on what the families are seeking, typical services include counseling, health care and financial aid. Special events, workshops, and activities may also be offered at the school. Placing services at school removes many barriers families have in finding services and keeps students in class. When students are in class, they can keep learning and achieving.

Contact Melissa Dean ~ Community Coordinator at (616) 455-1200 Ext. 32219


  • ABC Orchestra - Contact Ryan Wallace (
  • Jazz Band - Contact Stephen Chitta (
  • STAR Club (Homework Club) - Kendra Gallert (
  • Robotics Club - FIRST Tech Challenge - Website:
  • Salmon Club - Contact Matt Block ( 
  • School Musical - Director Andrea Gay (
  • Student Council - Contact Bryony Lowe (
  • Wrestling Club - (K-8 Program) - Contact Ben DeMaagd (
  • Yearbook Club - Contact Kathy Klug (
  • 8th Grade East Coast Trip - Contact Jessica Buerkle (