

District Assessment and Data Collection

KPS is committed to tailor our curriculum and instruction to meet individual students needs, interests, and aspirations. We are data driven, and through our data we create options and opportunities for students whose future is in a global economy.

Teachers and administrators use district student assessment data to inform and to drive instruction. Data is gathered from district written quarterly assessments, nationally normed assessments, or state mandated assessments such as M-STEP.

Assessments gauge student progress in the curriculum and provide information for strategic action. Collaborative discussions among staff set priorities for instructional decision making, setting of instructional goals, and allocating district, state and federal funds. The KPS data analysis process is a crucial element of building and district School Improvement.

Intervention groups and differentiated instruction is necessary to meet the needs of individual students. District elementary school's staffs meet in data analysis teams creating intervention strategies and groups to support students not meeting district standards. The progress of these students is monitored for fluid movement of student grouping within the intervention groups. Students who excel are provided challenging opportunities during support intervention group time.


District Elementary Assessment Chart  PDF Document
Kentwood Public Schools Secondary Math Sequence PDF Document