Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  What is VUE?
A:  VUE is a web browser application that allows you to view real-time information regarding your student’s classes, grades, and attendance.  All you need is a student ID number and a PIN code.

Q:  What do I do if I’ve lost or forgotten my student’s ID and PIN?
A:  There are two ways to receive this information.  You may visit your student’s building in person, or you may call your student’s building and have them mail this information to you.  For security reasons this information will not be given out over the phone.

Q:  Why so much security?
A:  While parents and students have the right to access this information, it is our goal to ensure that the information remains as secure as possible.

Q:  Is it OK to share the ID and PIN with my student?
A:  We would encourage you to do so.  This is a valuable tool which will allow them to monitor their own progress.

Q:  What if we notice a grade or attendance inaccuracy?
A:  Data is constantly being entered into the system.  Teachers are required to update their gradebooks at least once a week.  Attendance data is updated on a daily basis.  If you continue to see what you believe to be an inaccuracy, please contact the teacher or building office directly.

Q:  What web browser do I need to use VUE?
A:  VUE will work best with Microsoft’s Internet Explorer.  It should work with additional popular browsers as well.

Q:  How frequently are grades updated in VUE?
A:  VUE provides a snap shot of the information in the teachers’ gradebooks.  Teachers are required to update their gradebooks at least once a week.  Many will make updates more frequently.  Please note that some instructional units will take more than a week to complete.

Q:  How safe is VUE?
A:  VUE is completely safe.  Student information can only be “viewed”.  It can not be changed in VUE.  In addition, reports viewed in VUE do not contain the student’s name or ID number to ensure privacy.

Q:  Can I print the reports from VUE?
A:  Yes, reports can be printed by either clicking the Print button in the upper left hand corner or by holding the CRTL key and pressing the P key.

Q:  When can I access VUE?
A:  VUE is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  However, there may be times when the system is too busy to process report requests, such as during nightly backups.

Technical support questions can be sent to