Welcome to the NEW Hamilton Elementary School, set to open for the 2025-26 school year! Hamilton Elementary will be the 11th elementary building in Kentwood Public Schools. The need for this building is pretty clear–Kentwood is a growing district. During the past 10 years, Kentwood Public Schools is one of only three districts in Kent County that has seen student enrollment increase. More students are anticipated in the years ahead as numerous new homes continue to be built in our community. We are proud that Kentwood Public Schools is a destination district for so many families. The tradition of excellence in our district is strong. The support we receive from our families and our community is robust. Kentwood Public Schools is committed to building upon this tradition and support, living up to our vision of Excellence and Equity in Education for each student, by providing an authentic caring environment where innovative learning takes place.
Located at 3303 Breton Road, SE, the Hamilton building, at one time, was an elementary school. During challenging economic times, the elementary building was closed. Currently, the building is home to the Hamilton Early Childhood Center. A new Early Childhood Center next to Townline Elementary is currently under construction, enabling the district, because of the growing student population, to return the Hamilton building to an elementary school.
An extensive renovation project will take place at Hamilton to ensure the new elementary school is at the same standard with the existing elementary buildings in our district. This will involve a new kitchen and gymnasium, updated classrooms and playground, as well as enhancements to safety at the building. In addition, a dedicated early childhood space will be created at the building, which will allow the new school to maintain an early childhood center to serve families in the area.
We plan to update the details on this page as the process to open the new Hamilton Elementary progresses in the coming months. For more information, please see these Frequently Asked Questions and the design drawings for the new building below.