Special Opportunities

Special Opportunities

Explore a career of interest through the Internship class. Learn skills that apply to a future career. Release time is provided for students to meet the required unpaid hours for on-the-job experiences. Internship may lead to a Career Launch experience.

Download and complete the application in blue or black pen. Medical interns will also need to download the medical application instructions and complete the medical internship application. Turn in your completed application(s) and current EDP to the CTE Office or the School to Careers Desk in the guidance office. The student's EDP Career Pathway and a related class must align with the internship experience. It is the student's responsibility to have an intern site before the semester begins.  Students will be released 6th hour.

This paid experience gives students the opportunity to apply information and skills they have learned in Internship and a related class. A pre-related class, good attendance, a 2.5 GPA or better, and an entry level job that reflects a future career interest is required. Students will be released 6th hour.

Application Process: APPLICATION
Download and complete the application in blue or black pen. Turn in your completed application and current EDP to the CTE Office or the School to Careers Desk in the guidance office. Students' EDP Career Pathway and a related class must align with the Career Launch experience. It is the student's responsibility to have a site before the semester begins.

A credit recovery opportunity. Receive credit for working part-time after school.

Application Process: APPLICATION
Student must have a guidance counselor recommendation for credit recovery. Student must also take a related class and have an EDP that shows the job's related career pathway as a top choice. Download and complete the application in blue or black pen. Turn in your completed application and current EDP to the CTE Office or the School to Careers Desk in the guidance office.

Explore a career of interest by going on a full or half-day job shadow at a local business or organization.  The job shadow experience gives students an opportunity to gain insight into a specific occupation.

Application Process: APPLICATION   -    EVALUATION 
Available online, from a teacher, or in the CTE Office or the School to Careers Desk. Applications must be completed in blue or black pen, and presented along with your current EDP to the CTE Office or the School to Careers Desk in the guidance office. A job shadow during the school day is considered a field trip. You may be have these absences extenuated (marked FT) for up to 2 job shadows per school year.


Kent Intermediate School District is encouraging a special Groundhog Shadow Day in February.   Visit the ISD web site  for more information.  To participate, you must sign up prior to January 5, 2015.