
Pinewood PTC

Get involved with Pinewood's PTC

Welcome to a new and exciting year at Pinewood Middle School.  The Parent-Teacher-Committee (PTC) is working hard to come up with fun and exciting activities along with fundraisers to support Pinewood's staff and students.  

Our Mission

Plan, organize, and implement fundraising activities, which will fund the purchase and provide Pinewood Middle School students with supplies, programs, and equipment which will enrich and augment the core general curriculum and extracurricular activities. 

Provide a pool of resources to assist teachers and staff in the delivery of programs and activities. Provide social activities which promote interaction between students, parents, and staff. Maintain a connection with the Kentwood Public School district at large.

We Care

All activities are planned with your student in mind and all proceeds go directly back to Pinewood students. They helps pay for field trips, classroom supplies, fun activities, music, sports, & academic achievements. As budgets get smaller, we need more & more support from all of you.

Join the Fun

Have a question, comment or a great idea to share?  You can reach Pinewood’s PTC or receive information from's how!


·         We would love to hear from you, e-mail us at:


·         Join our Facebook page:


·         Attend a meeting. All of our Meetings & Events are listed here:       

·         To receive automatic reminders, e-mails and alerts we use Remind.  Click Here to Signup:   


·         It takes a lot of volunteers to help our school and we need you.  We use Sign Up Genius an on-line site to allow you to see what’s best for your schedule.  Click here to

It is a great time to help Pinewood students and staff, please join us in helping support our children.

Pinewood PTC Team